.Mfl3JUL.H5» An.AltiAMA July Seventeenth Nineteen-Twenty-Two. My dear Mr. Ayres: I beg to acknowledge with appreciation your splendid report of ,the 9th inst. I think your progress has been just wonderful and I wish our excellent committe'e eciuld be worked up to the necessity of giving you ail the support you need and deserve. I cannot saymuch, however,as I-am derelict myself. Our bank is a small institution with a limited number of officers "and I am compelled to give the work a great deal more time than would be needed from ’an officer in a larger institution. I want you to know, however, that I am -going to be as helpful to you as the circumstances will permit not neglecting my own position. Trusting your splendid work will continue and that you will be able to attain the desired results, I beg to remain, with kind regards, Mr. Harold B. Ayres, Washington, D.G. MICHAEL J.MCDERMOTT 1hn Kmmbbs AND' ?Ie«;hanii;s Bask wIIib,k Yours respectfully, Pr esiclent. McP/s