Purnell M.Milner ATTORNEY AT LAW 906 Hibernia Building ; New Orleans September 4, 1317 S. A. LeBlano, Esq.., . Secretary, Llot) i le, A lab ams. Pear Sir: Your letter of .July 31st was received during my absence in Hew York. Since returning, I have been actively managing a large corporation out of this Parish and have hardly been in the office for thirty days. This explains what otherwise would be an apparent discourtesy. I certainly am deeply sensible of the great honor you would confer on me in connection with the Hew Orleans-Log-town section of the Old Spanish Trail, but I really believe that the spirit of this great undertaking would be impaired by centering attention on individuals. I shall always, of course, be glad of any reference to the part I have played in securing the completion of this roadway, but believe the precedent would be a bad ohe^if carried to any extent would cover our International Highways with a mass of names of individuals and rob the highway itself of its unity. Thanking you, however, for the thought, I beg to Yours very truly. remain