PLAN TO STAY AWHILE IN JUNCTION TEXAS ON THE LLANOS A vacation wonderland in "The Oasis of the Western Hills,” where hunting, fishing, riding and other sports or just rest and recreation are at their best. Altitude 1700 ft. 500 miles of undefiled streams fed by thousands of springs; authoritative analyses attest their purity. Tuber-culars, typhoid and malaria practically unknown. Forest and shade abundant. Giant pecans, elm, sycamore, black walnut and live oak invite the traveler to pause and stay awhile. Average winter temperature, 54°; summer, SS°. Annual rainfall 2G in. A land where tourists and vacationists may while away days and months with interest and delight. Deer, turkey, quail, squirrel and other small game still abound in the hills. Junction, as its name implies, is at the confluence of the north and south Llanos rivers, populated by 1500 energetic. hospitable people. Five highways, one of which is the OST, lead in all directions. Kimble county, of which Junction is the geographical center, produces more native pecans than any other county in the world. About a half million goats, sheep aud cattle range its forests and plateaux. Good accommodations—fine, modern camps, comfortable, modern hotels—a community imbued with the spirit of service to visitors. Complete, authentic information gladly furnished by the Chamber of Commerce. YOUR VISIT WILL LINGER IN MEMORY UNTIL IT CALLS YOU BACK AGAIN The Credd of the Trail ANGELES COURT Tourist Apartments New, modern, garden-court apartments, 2-3 rms., completely and tastefully furnished; ligbt, gas, linen, silver included: locked garages adjoining. §2.00 — §2.50 — §3.00. Weekly, monthly rates. A place you will thoroly enjoy. Northwest edge of town, ON OLD SPANISH TRAIL, 2124 Fredericksburg Road, SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS. 40 f?T“'HE BEAUTl] of Nature lures us out on the old fr} highways. IDhero Nature is undisturbed thero two find pleasure; ©here destruction rules ©c find regret. -Alorjg the Old Spanish Trail are the nehes of histonj. Icqend, senhmcnVand natural beauty. Many aro ©orkinq to preserve these for all time Out of the qood©ill of the friends of the Trail ©ill come a qrcal highway, with pleasure and profit accruing to everyone Love nalore and all living things—that is tho soul of sportsmanship. Don't destroy. It's finer to build and beautify. Don't cut or break trees or shrubs, unless obviously useless ones. Don't gather ©ild flo©ers and blossoms carelessly. Their growth and reproduction givo beauty to the Trail. Don't kill without real need. The birds, trees, shrubs and animals arc a part of tho pleasure of the traveler Help foster wayside beautification and the planting of trees and shrubs, and others in years to come ©ill Respect the courtesies of the road and obey traffic rul“' Q:vo kindly thought to the rights of property along the ©ay and tho owners will repay out of tho gratification they enjoy. Select a safe spot for the camppro. Ncvor leave it unwatchcd. and ©hon breaking camp uso wjtcr or dirt to pul it out Be oireful of sparks, of matches or tobacco ashes. A dying spark and one breath of ■ ©ind can start a destructive Pro. -Always leave tho camp a littlo bettor than you found it Burn or bury the trash and observe sanitation It's a pleasure then to cooperate to make campsites , enjoyable Tho Fellowship of tho Trail is ci