Where Famous Highways Meet TALLAHASSEE “THE HILL CITY OF FLORIDA” GTfje t&aUafjas&ee Poolers’ Club FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING TALLAHASSEE, FLORIDA June thirtieth, t 191-7. Mr. S. A. LeBlanc,Seeretary, Old Spanish Trail Association, Mobile,Ala. Dear Mr. leBlanc: "'veni,Vidi,Vici" would about express it? I certainly thank you dor writing to the Governor,here, and also thank you dor including me in your recojiimendation. The Governor was very prompt. I hope you can join the party at Washington. Mr. Cocke,State Highway Engineer, just called. He expects to he in Washington or. husiness ,in -July and later on, so may he on hand to swell the delegation. He likes to assist and not always serve as a delegate, so for this reason I. did not suggest him for appointment,—not wishing to .embarrass him in State affairs: he has troubles of his own with road work and getting co-operation in s 'me counties,etc. A letter from Hon. J.D.Smith,Secretary of the State Read Department,Marianna, informs that he has received his appointment from Gov. Catts and will try to go. He says:"I suppose it will he expected of everybody to pay their own expenses,-but I think some provision should be made to cover this expense in or ler to have a full delegation meet there at Washington.” I wrote him about that §2.50 per t ousand population. Have you sent out the "S.Q.S." for this? I wrote to Jax,Tampa,Miami and Pensacola,but have not received answer,yet. Will keep you posted. Thanks for copy of Governor's letter.• We overlooked Congressman V/.J.Sears,Florida,but have sent him the same wire,signed by Gov. and CabinetCocke. NO TOUR MJftW UNLESS YOU capital sacEt aryT^*/^* TALLAHASSEE AbundanY supply of pure E,S%S Etdegrap1i c,S^£S« GSSrsaotutE!ctur- INVITATION A cordlnl wcicomc awaits you. LEON COUNTY Most beautIfuI county In "'^.SLsTi Foi^ further Information roosters** clt:d. GEO. W. SAXON, ViCK.PRCOloeHT IRVIN GATES, Vice.PreaIocnt F. R. S. PHILLIPS, SccnETARY