LYONS-BARTON MOTOR CAR COMPANY 628-832 HOWARD AVENUE NEW ORLEANS May 16th0, Nineteen Eighteen, Mr, Stewart, Secretary, c/o Old Spanish Trail Association, Mobile, Ala, My dear Stewart:- I am in receipt of your letter of May 9th,, and regret very much indeed that I will be unable to attend the Good Roads meeting at Mobile this week, I want to a3k you to be kind enough to consider this my formal resignation as Vice President, of the Old Spanish Trail Association of Louisiana, To tell you the truth I thought that I had sent this resignation in some time ago, but evidently I neglected to do it, for which please accept my apology0 Being in the Navy and trying to keep in touch with ray business as well, makes it impossibls to keep up with Good Roads work, and I think the Association needs some one here who can give it some attention. The enolossd clipping may be of some interest to you, I certainly hope the bill will go through this time. With kindest regards and best wishes for a successful meeting at Mobile, I am. L/T, Sincerely your3,