JAMES A. CARNEY President Carney, Ala. CHAS. A. ROLLER Vice-President Foley, Ala. W. D. STAPLETON Treasurer Bay Minettc, Ala. S. A. SCOTT Secretary Lillian, Ala. MISS LILLIE M. WETZEL Ass’t. Secretary Bay Minette, Ala. Baldwin County Chamber of Commerce Co-operation Keeps the “win” in Baldwin [Address all communications to the office at which this letter is dated] VICE-PRESIDENTS: CHAS. BARCLAY Lillian, Ala. EDWARD BRODBECK Point Clear. Ala. G. R. HENNIG Fairhopc, Ala. l. o. McPherson Josephine, Ala. J. B. LAWRENCE Dyas, Ala. DR. O.^F. E.WINBERG Ullian, Ala., Hay 14, 1917 Mr, £. i>, toBlanc, Secretary, Old Spanish Trail Assn., Mottle, Ala. Pear Sir*.- Enclosed find a loiter frou. Hr, loose authorising vis to use the cut of the Old Spanish Trail, about which we wrote 'you sometime ago. Please return to us. Please send this cut to the Baldwin Times, Pay Minette, Ala. They will use it and at once return it to you. President Old. Spanish Trail Assn., Te write Hon, Palmer Pillans- abou t ton days ago inviting hire to deliver er» address at cur Bridge celebration on The '’-olden Oulf floast Country where Spring is born ar.d the ''Id Spanish Trail. Me have not had any word from him. Me want to have our programs engraved to bs sent out with our engrafted Invitations. Mill you please telephone him and ack hire to lot u; hoar from hi21 very soon? Mo enclose a copy of the Program, To writs you scire time agmhinting about you making an address. You replied that you hud referred the matter to Tien, Palmer Pillans from which wo inferred that you wanted him to handle it or suggest someone. Till you deliver one of the fivo minute speeches? Very tru' \? Soc rotary, 015 Spanish Thail Aodhciation.