April 15th, 1929 Mr. '7. Ho McDonald, President:, Exchange Cl no , St. Augustine, PI&o Dear Mr, McDonald: I take great pleasure In communicating to you the following resolution. Sincerely, Karra! Ayros, itf naging Diroctora OLD SBUJI3H TRAIL ?. JBOLUTT cl At the convention of the old Spanish frail Association at St0 Augustine April 4th, 1929, the following resolution was adopted expressing appreciation of the oooperation that led to the splendid success of all events: RESOLVED, that v/o arc indebted to Perry ;L Powell for inaugurating the movement that led to the erection trad dedication of the zero monument. We are also indebted to the Exchange Club of St, Augustine for the nice way the work was carried through. We fool that this monument and the motorcade that resultod, the celebration and the friendships made among the people of St, Augustine will prove to bo a big factor in carrying the old Spanish frail work to its ultimate destiny as ■d great and interesting and historical travel way, ( Mrs, Alex adams, San Antonio, Texas, ( W, o„ Hart, How Orleans, La, ( Miss Esther Banning, Loxloy, ala. COMMITTEE f Howard 3\lnhnm, sun jjio •SO, calif.