BSSQI72I , Shat k s OS'S fi id " a deposited in ti National Ba ' "h ict tp gigaatu: a . ".. . ' jb ieting ITov. . ; , 192! Balance now in Citj, 4 45 • :• claimed in Commonwealth Bank (Ohm. to transfer) 0 97 ?j(?‘ > os it, - k'imer r.-ev-.h ership. 15 i<hall 10 kaost " 25 . Orange-Franc is ck.. 0 : Qampbellton meml irh) g5 - 5 h_i jlT. Shat I..;-:- f nds 1 d si 3 d '• j >n f.6r re ent liahil- .i'ties, and the 3ast &a depended upon ' fin i c = th 0 rve tioi a-3 d its cjpn workr. inasmucl as the audits ..." .1 intonlo memberships {statement herewith) show hut 01555 00 paid in 1922 of San ... t attic 'i quota 6^ '-'000 this committee to plan furthei old ti . 3 an ... itonio, ... ' Nanaging MreQjtpr to plan w*tfc for BQ.00 of . 3 I- proj due froi Idie Ecus ton-Oirange district, Shis list :i t he 3 give i about ^600 inn three 5oars. .k. -—QiBI Shat the 3 maging Birecto proceed tp arran e if possible : a tionai pcoriv tion Ha 00 in etion ritb tl eastern conference ■ i-i ,;.n I arc]t .. t New Ori sans 1 1 ai toed to finance the convention ©rpensc,;!. 5 RSSQB7HD, Shat th« naging Director plan foi arking and map vorl: ©rang e tc .5 ...... .' 5 r'ei rking needed fre Houston to Orange. 5 SSS0173D, Shat the letter ... ounolng insl 11ation of I:ocutivo Committee h-r sent out at once. _ Gop;, sheet 7 7 ..51'"I, That tl j nd srtis i lg itt 1 s in Te its 1 e loforrj'. for 1. t;v f; fc-u.1 collection;: throve ■ f fed.driok about ;'51CO 3 RBSOIiTED, Shat settlemen ' 1. vc ” , ~ ft - r Chairman, it being apparent from tl s r iits Shreve has 1 s overpaid his oommissionB also that there r.. nv.urous confusion;: - also that hits ChS true! h. not roturned, ; ;f additimollp its condition la ,-f 7• - a -v' 5 RfUSOBV. h, Shat clal ■ of B 3 1' :: fur; s he deferred until ' i ilcS ... >:ose 11 i ... t fr Ja irj " . 1922 are sub-. mitted and settle: .ant .utborised !>; iff ■ ..' t: • . „ It 1 f o' •> that 3olp has alread; been i;' ■ 5577 r 1 192 .. aid 4>S ■ ■■■ lagin Jirector raj irts ao SuoM 't iunt£ were authorized or intend of bj him, except that ;;ularj. payments are correct. 10 IGSOIT*©, S3>.at f 1 Shoirp non 1 c cl..l., for' ":GOC> 15, while not a legal claim has r.erit in o.uiit; to so,..e o.-.tent; tliarefore that ho recognized as pajable when funds arc av-vliable, and that .......... he paid now, and that hr. Thompson file written acceptance of this adjustment.