11. SO. 23. (.lair , ot £ro:; liinatoo ..iodbir.;- B*v "-'C. >>£ Birootorc, Ihilfrort Cavir-i Ate hi', 1921) ”:2bo ~rhxr;l:zr .Direotov ospl:..lv.~;*. ha hc.l never had say salary /w-thorizod oir^lr Locaaoo the association had act boon in v. .ocition to pa; :•• 0 l«r$. Ho else o:;;-Xr.i: :h’ ho oordd not afforG to o;o on this vs>.;. alt’ao he ;od& continue to givo hio first thoughts to thle^orl:* Soneycl .5.3ousciao disclose; a v:n':ni:zov.continent that proper proviniovi. should ho :-.::do for corsoensution end :•. rocolutioa v.v.r; edrntod; ?'•. t tr.':; hoard of Sirootors rcoo.. :ond tho .'V,racing director he paid 0. salary to ;h-to froa the beginning of the rors.',, Bootc her I, 1919, the aROi"it to ho left ito the .-resident, v:.lth lire. : .ioylor joining and r-vorting a to the continents of the Board- ” iertlfied- 000 ioc of all ainntoo wr-t cent to the directors after tho Convention and by tho 1 - ccc >tad. K 3 A