time to overcome the taxes. This proposition is also in as satisfactory as could be hoped for. Yours of the 32nd just received. I note what you say with reference to the Jourdanton way but I have explained this already unless Judge egrcjm l^ne up Senator Parr. The Simmons route will be'/snorter than the’Mathis route and the Tilden route will be within two or three miles of the same distance as the Simmons route. Jr. Johnston phoned McDonald at .eauraont this morning and he said there were three big drives scheduled at Beaumont in the next couple of w.ek§, one of them on now,and it would be about thirty days before we could start the OST campaign. Doctor wants me to go to Houston with him to see if we can't get some money down there. I told him I would go next week. It seems to me tliat the next thing now would be to complete the proposition from Mission to Laredo and then from Mathis to Houston and make it a point to see that the Houston papers had pi snty of publicity while we were en route from Mathis. P'^t in at least two days enroute and then go after the Houston people from some money the next day after we get in there. What do you think of this suggestion? I note what you say with reference to your routing down there and I wish I vras down there to work with you but I can’t do you any good this far away. You are on the job and I know you can -og&y handle it if you will take time to do it. I realize that handling the routing and all the other problems you have is too much for any one man, in fact it is about enough for three good size, thoroughly posted, efficient, up-to-date, live wires. You said that you need a stenographer. I would suggest that you get some of those peanut-growers down there in Alabama and establish a branch office so you will have some kind of headquarters to work from. This is the best suggestion I can think of. Dr. Johnston and myself are not going to agree for one minute to send you Miss Huey and you don't need to be hinting around to that effect. Very truly yours. DEC:AH