m u' mas - Bago a uonom. .Tanotion h«& sent four /jon to the Ho* foxieo border to .loot the notornado. "hie Janetien «nj*. therefore* traveled sr>6 rjikc to »et r-e omoytc fc Jttvsci.ien • noihor neighborhood dinr.:«u; served n’th t.ttc riutual gyeotitis 9 speeefcee Hstd. ewarudeship t-hot wjra to besossfi the rule throvu-'U-out tho life of the r.?of; arenas. At Xerrvillc t-hr siotc-rende vm& off schedule 3ue to tisa ..oat .exes osfl but -/ero stopped. "r.i givxa Irinka, At grm f.ntoinio due to lete arrival the fleet of care tht&t hud been planned as -"erf" had -ru.-xty mAs* nwey; this -:vos rr a-rvi cTOooted* s»n /intonio colics, ho : --e0 tho >..wt,>rss.ic ?-t th-i uubcoak ric-il. ..:^.n hotels to qpMdtti but ;V..»>irv. ;d v-M;- givj :■ the 0';” ■• nooci':V:l ' rSialQ on r ah rf;-:::, fhia *&a tamed OTO* N tho 8r>n Hntonfo e-synittoe on;! th-? Motorenda v.;irafoers wsra bun^uotod :-t the hersnrre Hotel rxhl iholy -.: ;:v 'of: r:\ earn of no a garage this fionay. Sixteen Sen ;•utonUu ;(•» trer© ia the hn» that left $?.•» . ntontu* At /:Oh.\5t‘::! •o'?.5 5 a n no i;’’il):inhoan iHuney. hi. at* rsuor.ihor thfvt in uo SnatU'iae dM •• •'. - .Mr w t f">.'•. o oeurtonlf-S. ;n^lo •■'.•• r: hetnry stub ccenlttne stopped tho party find gave ovoryone old a.rtn&i ■••*.•.■•. hk- t nd « smu bag of :*• :dn V;.'.n j-jee, »t fixy-:.’ :v.’n£ 10 x’r ■ ; foax ,:-.l ;, guuu.n ox* L-ratf/lo paliee ware ■■■’:•,■„ ■ ■ :• achsclul;; v.>i hoxico I wore to u\ty caeon- tially oa :?o,r...--?ul<5 -a !:•»*> und of th-; trip end Sts return* <-.»i hour w-a spent in roexpi”ona «•; Moactono Hoaaton'a praainout loaders greeted ua K-nd ';o:,;- "f: irn.fric offiem?. vj-utonobil® club emituuted r,ho eiotor-03de through frinfon u«d iVit* ovi tho t'juy topurd . t f . ri nncihor 3ovtsiu:iby f?.:tfunrlai? utmoVt .tnd cookies •tt-tg Jt-^rrcd. ' *'v ■. IKu’uisaont dolofSif iari tsa ot liiborty. .«i; Hauuxi-.mt t:: ?, :.: ;.;iyi. ‘.boro n-.-.a u »;.oo ra*o^j*rji of ontortuinmentj all w?4»t©d to go thod • - .vly -iacfcc^to^«uHa^n.Cs.u:aspcsfct'si idtdfr.art: £or cl j; ■ ..vl the r.axt oellod for about 6S0 railoo dnv5n£—-but tha • Vv fag aiJ-jat 'xilh t>-.»ne ■ •• r ‘ Jr-urtod pooplc* ?ho nr-Ats duy called for r, 32a-ailo Oriva to -snlcr. how '*rl«j«t© for :.otor vw»«t?y. "'f;v.‘ v-a.dn ? ro grrnml aarosa bouiaiano u»d this added to' the labor'of thr.t Any. St ops wore avoided boooua of the long drive but wo '■;:•?vc gjfoofsd at 'v-fa1 :..?&«» eaaAueted to *>t,« vartlsivi ti«t the. svrj:- of non.tfullow’s ..'wuigolSiio, Girls in i;ho old ,;vr«U£uiiaa oautw.-ica i;onvroA &- ;,arty* 3,cavSng 9t* lfin*tiarill« two l»euisl#nn truffte offioere oaooTtod the mioroude 1,'iO ."iJXns to Mf.;« >r?.to:as* >(.t UtiU::]'.0 SB t;o»il. of Hew ivlej.ua, tho o^tovaetie .xie stoptxtd* fhoro w-fcO un outpour in. of tljoee happy pooplo* Ciooa-oola wib pnsoed around ou then t}»?. parly wju< lotuied up Hath onjawd shriap f»Rl oysters. /4 cordial invitation' was nivon to stop on tho return. -^hi« iwvitatioti xv«s ao hannily mnoaberod tho return aohodulo wa» t0 mko