September 25, 1922 Lira. r. ri.SPhillIpe Tallahassee, Dear J'rs. Phillips,- Have yours 21st. Have just had a let'.or from T .V. Price,. See. Changer Conferee, Pensacola, to the effect that Pensacola cannot help OST work any at present. Inasmuch" as Pensacola nevoi* has helped, hut that on the contrary v/o have spent considerable nor.oy in that -section while awaitlrg their promises to carry their share of espouse you can sec we cannot so any further in riorida work until the money ' is available. This'means serious losses to you in 'float riorida for all my information slipws no you thore should delay no longer in the numerous things that would make your highway tourists. I would not know how jro answer your questions respecting the matters between-Tallahassee and Julncy. -All such things solve themselves' when wo begin to develop travel movement; that has been our experience elsewhere. Sincerely, .'.'anaging Director