f 2 A repaired in 1702-1706.The present. Catherdral v,-as built i7!?P— "*7£?7* 'Among the church data inquired from Spain are a number of documents on the Missions ,the Franciscan Tree of all {he Franciscan missions from the beginning ,this was made 17-’9 and is large document.You /will be especially interested in it.V/e also secured a copy of Toryreraado'snj.Ionarchia Indiana " j {his was written by a Franciscan in or about 1627 and printed later by Barcia about 1727*It f is the earliest account of the missions in Florida.I have not yet seen it.V.’e had part of one chapter translated by Miss Spofford from a copy in the Library of Congress, a have told ~rs. Connor that I think the Few Smyrna ruins English.I do not believe that Spaniards would build an entirely different type of building in Few Smyrna from those in St.Augustine built in 1o90 to I695. Besides the Turnbull colony there were other English estates below Few Smyrna and the clergyman stationed there had the same salary as the one in St.Augustine,durin^, the Jnglisn period.I am expecting more data from Spain,source material. The chapel in Fort Marion is also very old,bid)c the first chapel in the fort was in the South-west corner according to the map of 1757 and not in the middle of the Forth wall, as it is now. •Miss Emily L.V/ilson 114 Second. Street 280 St.George St. and Beach Haven St.Augustine ^Florida Few Jersey.