MTIMO Isabel d 1504 J Ferdinand d 1516 Carlos V (Ch I of Spain) (Hapsburg Dyn) reigned 1516-1556 The Castilian flag continued until \S't> . The continental conquests began with Cortes, 1519-21... therefore under Ch V Florida, (Ponce de Leon) 1512 or 1515...only significant event on continent under Castilian flag.........provided the flag changed promptly with the reign of Carlos......these changes show hov.r much the personal element attached. Banners of Cortes and Pisarro illustrate the personal flag element still prevailing. CORTFS, G p342 #428 Richly illuminated; Virgin Eary center figure. Text G p356. Around the edge of this standard of Cortes there appears in Spanish: "This standard was that carried by Hernando Cortes in the Conquest of Eexico." It now hangs in he Rational Kuseum at Eexico Ci.ty--a relic of the stirring times when t' e present city was Tenochtitlan, the Aztec capital and rhe scene of Hontezuma's grandeur. Another standard carried by Cortes was, according to Prescott, "of black velvet, embroideried with gold, and emblazoned with a red cross amidst flames of blue and white, with this motto in Latin beneath: 'Friends, let us follow the Cross; and under this sign, if we have faith, we shall conquer. ' " The Cortes banner probably can only be reproduced by photstat base ' - ■'lA-yW'-v 'Wy ip* . i i' r \ • Aztec and Inca, banners or standards are shown p 342....interesting and uniquely artistic. PIZARRO, 3 illustrations....both sides of one treated as the, authentic, and one side of another that Gen. San Eartin believed was Pizarro's but apparently the standard of Lima of Pizarro's time. (.1532) G p•'42 jf429 #430 (Lima) Important, because shows how even a goatherd affected the practices of nobility......T'e was a successful conqueror, but bandit and plunderer ....Rote what Gen. San Eartin declares,p357, #430 Reproduce by photostat...complicated