§AK AOTTONTI© MUKfKDHJPAlL. ASKT COMMHSSION v3A.KT AKTOKOroj TK^ASq July 26, 1923 SAVE THE TREES ' ' ' For many years the custom of cutting away all trees as the roadways has prevailed among property owners and county commissioners along the highways. I respectfully suggest that these property owners and commissioners allow the native trees, especially mesquite, huisachi'e, catame, and live oak to grow at intervals along the highways, thus orotecting the paving, furnishing shade, and beautifying same and in no way detracting from the farming value of the land. This would, to a great extent, save much ejqpense in lessening the number of trees to be planted and cared for later on. Will you, as a friend of the highways, recommend this to the land.owners and commissioners along the line of your Highway Division ? Respectfully. Chairman, Austin-Laredo Division, Jefferson Davis Highway; and President, San Antonio City Federation of Women’s Clubs. b MRS. J. K, BERETTA. President MRS. H. P. DROUGHT MRS. J. L, BROWN M RS. T. A. ELD RIDGE MRS. W.C. DOUGLAS MRS. WHEELER PETTUS MRS. E. F. BOOTY MRS. RENA MAVERICK GREEN MRS. R. R. RUSSELL J. KENNETH M U L LI N. S E C R CT AR V S06 BRADY BLDO. Crockett 1342