CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram Oay Letter Blue Night Messaqc Nito Nlqht Letter N L If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this is a teleoram. Other-wlseits character is indicated by the symbol appearing after the check. NEWCOMB CARLTON, president GEORGE W. E. ATKINS. FIRST vice-president CLASS OF SERVICE SYMBOL Telegram Day Letter Blue Night Message rntc Night Letter N L If none of these three symbols appears after the check (number of words) this Is a teleoram. Other-wiseils character is Indicated by the symbol appearing after the check. RECEIVED AT 106 ST. FRANCIS ST., MOBILE, ALA., A178N0 28 1922 JAN \e PM 12 37 GIT SANANTONIO TEX 115 7A 16 H B AYRES ’ Pin " f f) BATTLE HOUSE MOBILE ALA CAMERON JIM WELLS CARRIED LIVEOAIi DEFEATED HEY/ ROUTE VIA THREERIVERS SIMMONS SAHDIEGO TO ALICE WILL BE ORGANIZED TOMORROY/ APPARENTLY HO OPPOSITIOH ORANGE LOST ORDERING ANOTHER ELECTION NEXT MONTH D E COLP.