Where Famous Highways Meet ■ TALLAHASSEE ■ “THE HILL CITY OF FLORIDA” Cfje CaUaljas&ee Poofters’ Club FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ' TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA July \\ Tenth, 1917. Mr. S. A. LeBlane,Secretary, ‘ Old Spanish Trail.Association, \ Mobile, Ala. ' Dear Hr. LeBlanc: I saw by press despatches that the Louisiana Legislature is in special session,to consider war measures. Can you get Mr. Irvine or Mr. Craft to go over there and present to the Senate and- House a memorial similar to that passed by the Florida Legislature0 concerning the Trail? It would be a good move? As Mr. Irvine is such"a peach of a talker"(as President Pillans very truth Pally puts it) he v/ould be a dandy to send to plead the OST cause, and he and Hr.Craft ought to win. Get President Pillans to go,too? The Florida delegates are asking when the trip to Washington is to be made?,and would like to have reasonable notice. Hope you con get the other states to appoint their delegates,and communities to assist in.the expenses of the trip. I will got our people to come across the O2.5Q per thousand,for our 7,000. Has Mr. Corry begun his canvas for the county subscription of 32.50 per month? Stir him up? I am "playing" for a car, and if I 'wingrill go after some of those backward counties and make them fix up their part of the Trail,taking along the committee that was appointed at the Convention; or, we will borrow a car and go over the Trail to Jax. Have asked Mrs. 17.S. Jennings, President of the Florida Federation of Women's Clubs to ask the FFT/c to take up this matter’ "p::th the County Coil'lissloners between hero and Jaxi when women go after things, they move? But, the Committee must also work,and I will keep after them. You are the one to "name the day for us to go to Washington, so do get busy: wo are dying to go iforth. Best regards. NO TOUR OF FLORIDA IS IRVIN GATES. Vic c.Pr csioent F. R. s. PHILLIPS. Secretary ^ TALLAHASSEE KrnTlTC' ra0r01' N° or pure “SHIP ifpW 58: E'H%S ^elegrapli G^u{0i«futE!ctur- INVITATION A ^ordiaf1 weicomo awe,,a you. LEON COUNTY MOFlor!dnUUtlfUl C0UDty ^ ASLS''is7S SCSa““S ia«-Ss 1'nrt.lreaa' Secretnf°rmn'l0“ TAU,AHAS8KE ROOSTERS' CMJB.