DIVISIONS — THE OT.TJ SPANISH TRAIL. Fo'l. -'ing the convention and. the action there looking toward re-di visioning of the highway o.ne tho inclusion of the natural tributaries the folio,/ing represents the di vis lone now ■planned, subject to tho approval of tho Board of Directors. In the ra-divisioning of tho Old Spanish Trail tho old. history is kept- closely in mind. I. FLORIDA DIVISION — 1,000 Miles,. East coast to Miami and v/ost coast to Tampa, and to include tributaries. Tampa is tho ancient gateway of DeSoto,DaNarvaan and tho early explorers. St. Augustine in the oldest city in the United States. All South Florida is rich in old Spanish history. Florida was Spanish until 1819. The trail continues through North Florida from St. Augustine to the Alabama lino, through Jacksonville, Tallahassee mid Pensacola. Pensacola was the ancient gateway of tho Spanish in tfost Florida ;:md pensacola claims the moat ancient history of any city in l;bo land for DeLuna caino with a great ox edition of military and priests in 1559 and planted a colony. The ancient trail of tho Spanish connected Pensacola dud St. Augustine. St. Augustine is the natural, historical terminus on the Atlantic seaboard. II. ALABAMA DIVISION 70 Hilda. First indefinitely Spanish, then a part of the Old Louisian ', of tho French. Hauvila wai: the ancient Indian kingdom whore DeSoto*a great expedition encountered disaster. That wan tho first decisive, battle in tho United States. Mobile takes its nemo from Hauvila, and tho Old Spanish Trail had. its birth in Mobile in 1915, with Pensacola and V/ost Florida assisting. 3 -1-