The FORUM 441 LEXINGTON AVENUE. NEW YORK July 10th, 1929 Hr. Harral Ayras Old Spanish Trail Southern Borderland Trunkline San Antonio, Texas Bear Hr. Ayres: ’.Vo were interested in your inquiry about the type used in the Soville advertising. The advee’tising was placed by the Caples Company, advertising agents, 2002 Grand Central Terminal, Hew York. I quote from a letter from Hr. Albert Woodley, Vico President of the company: "I am very pleased to receive your letter of yesterday's date quoting from a letter received from Hr. Harral Ayres, Managing Director of the Old Spanish Trail Southern Borderland Trunkline. Such comments as these prove that our Seville advertising is making a favorable impression besides being read. The type face is known as live Heavy and is the production of a European foundry. I am not sure whether an initial appeared in the advertisement Hr. Ayres referred to, but we are using Greco Adornado initials which go very attractively with the Bve type face.” Trusting the information will be of service to .you and appreciating your interest, I am Very truly yours. '.TVS: KS Waldo 7. Sellew Advertising Manager P. 3. I am returning the copy of the advertisement as you requested.